Friday, June 18, 2010

The Trip Home

The last day in Sikeston was a short one. First we had to turn this---

Back into this.

Then we had to do our part in cleaning the church. We give a big Shout Out to First United Methodist Church in Sikeston who hosted our group for the week.

Everyone did their part, although some did not want their work documented. (I think they are afraid they will have to continue cleaning at home.)

Day 4 - The Sequel

Day 4 was really the last day of the trip and we did so much that the day deserves two postings.

Just a few more pictures of the Middle Schoolers hard at work.

And here is one of the the made-over rooms. This is the Library.

We finished early so the Middle Schoolers still had lots of energy. We used the free time to explore a near by park.

Later that evening, we finally headed to the pool. The fun there was certainly worth the wait.

The pool had two diving boards, so we attempted some synchronized diving.

Everyone showed off their moves on the board.

Here is one of our adult leader describing his spectacular dive.

The CCYMers showed us some new "fancy" dives.

It was an evening of perfect weather, good friends and good fun.

We finished the evening (yes there was still more) with chapel time. It was a very special time with Sharing, an awesome CCYM sermon and communion and prayer. We all had time to reflect on everything we had experienced and learned over the week.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Day 4 - The Work is Over Already?

We ended Day Three with a Talent Show.

Starting off the show was - The Three Amigos plus Kevin. Maybe you recognize some of them.

The talent in this group was nothing short of amazing. We were wowed with singing, gymnastics,
juggling, synchronized jump roping and one girl even jumped rope while on a pogo stick.

Thursday we woke up early and went back to finish any remaining work.

We installed new closets in each room. Here is a demonstration what the new closet rods looked like.

We helped out in the kitchen . Some of us emptied the pantry so it could be cleaned.

Some helped clean up the dishes.

Soon the residents began to cook lunch and the temperature of the kitchen increased from unbearably hot to indescribably hot.

How hot? Well we took a break to play basketball in the sun in order to cool off.

After lunch, Brandon had some challengers at the pool table.

Finally we finished all the work. All the rooms were completely made over. Whew!

A short summer storm blew through just as we were packing up the trailer. Ah feel the cool breeze!

Tonight -- Swimming and our last Chapel.

Tomorrow -- Breakfast- Clean the Church- Travel Home.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Day 3 - Over Half Way!!

We started off the morning with some home made Biscuits and Gravy followed by some dancing with the stars.

Then we headed to the work site.

Have I mentioned that it is hot?

Before the work begins, there is a mandatory Adult meeting. Look at all that energy.

Go get 'em!

First on the schedule-- Guess what? More Painting!

But today we got serious about the painting!

The residents made us lunch --- Chili and Hotdogs!

Taking just one of our breaks.

The Youth Groups presented the residents with gifts.

Then later that afternoon the youth group from First UMC surprised us with Popsicles and ice cold water.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Day 2 - Still Painting

Day Two started hot and humid as we gathered outside to get the assignments for the day.

First task of the day - Finish the painting in the rooms that we started on Monday. Today we painted the cabinets and the trim on the doors.

Everyone loves to paint!!

Today we were able to meet many of the residents that lived in the rooms that we were working in. They were very grateful to get a room make-over. Our resident wanted to give us something for all of our hard work so he brought us some koolaid and cookies.

For lunch, all of the guys wanted to give back to us for all of our hard work so they made us grilled hamburgers. Tomorrow, they promise hot dogs and chili.

During lunch we had some time for devotion. The theme of this week is becoming Fishers of Men. Monday we learned how to be the bait, and today we talked about what it meant to "hook" someone onto Jesus.

After lunch, we all got back to work. Some of the Middle Schoolers went over to the new wing where they were taught how to mud dry wall.

Tonight night was scheduled to be swimming, but due to a scheduling conflict was moved to another night. We followed another delicious dinner of pulled pork and mashed potatoes with games and a movie.