On Sunday, nine members left for Joplin to spend one week doing what they can.
This team was kept on their toes for the entire planning time, while the location of the mission trip changed from Rio Bravo to Alabama to Joplin to Mound City and back to Joplin.
From the Team....
We arrived last night at our home base, Beyers Avenue United Methodist Church in Joplin. It's on the fringe of the damaged area. Several nearby homes in the neighborhood have damaged roofs. It's about 1/4 mile from the area that's really been decimated. Several members of the congregation welcomed us last night when we arrived. We actually attended a short church service that they have every week in their community hall.
Overall, It has really nice accommodations for mission groups. There is another group of 8 coming in tomorrow from Lee Summit staying Tues- Friday. They are also expecting a larger group of 55 coming from Plano, TX on Friday. Right now it's 8am and we are waiting on our Amercorps contact to tell us where we will be working this week. More tonight...