It is POURING here, so we were limited to inside work and I learned to use power tools! (And that most anything can be hidden with a little bit of caulk) We installed trim, got the electricity going, and a lot of other odds and ends that took much longer than I thought they should, but what do I know about construction :)
The homeowner was thrilled with what we got accomplished, and her granddaughter, who is 16, payed a visit. She can't wait to have her own room, and closet, back. It's touching how much this camp has made a difference in the Gulf Port community. I'm honored to participate in this ministry.
I think I can speak for the whole team when I say that we are really learning what it means to be Christ to our world, and bring hope and resolution to tragedy. Praise be to God for that. It's these types of hard times that these people are facing that teach us just how much we need Christ and how sovereign God really is.

Thank you all for your encouraging words and keep the prayers up!

Kara et.al., Thanks for posting the updates. Thanks for showing oters that "God is closer than you think."
Pastor Bruce
Hey Karl and Team! Keep up the great work, and know that we are keeping you all in thought and prayer. Be safe. jh
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