Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Paperwork and Money

The team is gathering together the paperwork that must be completed before we depart. Each team member must provide a brief medical history, emergency contact information, liability release, and an insurance form. The team also signs a covenant. One of these forms must have the signature verified with the signature and seal of a public notary. Another needs to be witnessed.

In addition, each team member pays to participate in the mission. This payment covers our meals, lodging, fuel, insurance payment, and building materials. One way you, as the reader of this blog, can participate in the mission is by making a small donation to help us cover our expenses. If you have it on your heart to do this, just make your check out to Church of the Shepherd and on the memo line write "Shepherds of Hope." If you provide an address, (email or physical) we will send you a receipt so you can claim the charitable contribution on your income tax. Mail your check to Church of the Shepherd, 101 Woodstone Drive, St. Peters, Mo 63304.

Thanks for following reading the blog. We will post plenty of pictures when we begin on Sunday, October 25, 2009. Come back and follow our progress. Thanks for you prayers and support.

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