Sunday, June 13, 2010

A Middle School Adventure

The Middle Schoolers are heading out on their great adventure.

We are headed to Sikeston

Check back here for info and pictures all week.


Pastor Steve said...

Hey it was great to see you off and pray you out this afternoon! Have a great time in Sikeston sharing the love of Christ with your hands and feet! So proud of you for stepping out in a big way to be a part of our COS mission of "Leading People Into A Relationship With Jesus Christ, by Going, Learning, Loving, and Telling!" Remember to listen for the sound of God's surprising grace!

In Christ's Peace,
Pastor Steve

Anonymous said...

I am so proud of all of you. You took time out of your busy lives to serve others in the name of Jesus Christ. I look forward to seeing all the pictures as your adventure unfolds.
Karl <><

Pastor Steve said...

Hope all is going well as you enter day #2 of work in Sikeston. Keeping you in my prayers for safety, fun, and being in mission to others in need. Look and listen for how God is changing lives through your work...including yours!

In Christ's Joy,
Pastor Steve