Monday, June 14, 2010

Middle School Mission - Sikeston 2010 -- Day 1

Hello everyone from Sikeston Missouri!!

As you can see we made it here safely.

How can you visit Sikeston and not go to Lammerts - Home of the Throwed Roll? Well I could not tell you because that was where we went for our first dinner on Sunday night. I think the Middle Schooler were having so much fun catching the rolls that they could finish all the food on their plates.

We made it back to the church for Chapel and then turned in to get ready for a busy day.

Monday we woke up bright and early and after a terrific breakfast of pancakes and sausage we headed to a men's facility to do what ever was needed.

Whatever turned out to be some demolition (woohoo) and lot of painting.

We only took a short break for lunch. When we finished painting the ceiling and two coats on the walls, we were all beat.

We revived ourselves with Ice Cream. Along with First United Methodist from St. Charles, we filled up the Ice Creamery.

Later we had Tacos for dinner and games in the Gym.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the updates and pictures!! Glad to see no one is having physical side affects from the "no cell phone" rule. Tell all hello!

Sharon and Allen