Day two we woke up bright and early- eager to meet the day's challenge.

Eager to tie more rebar.....

Eager to beat the heat of the day.

We were unsuccessful in beating the heat, but we did tie lot of rebar.

Lots and lots of rebar!

Then we added more rebar to tie.

At lunch, we paused to blow bubbles with the children!

Then it was back to the roof. It was amazing, the roof was almost ready for the concrete.

Next we had to break big rocks into smaller rocks to fill spaces.

And carry these rock up to the roof. Whew, look at these girls work!

Later that evening we organized for Vacation Bible School. We will run VBS for the neighborhood kids Wednesday afternoon.

Everyone worked very hard?

We ended a very full and rewarding day with our evening devotion.
Well I wish you guys a great day... have a blast at VBS! Tim likes to color with the kids even though he wont say it!
I am still hoping to be there this weekend guys! Taking it one day at a time!
COS Team...We all hope that you continue to enjoy the opportunity to serve others. Stay safe and return home to us soon. You are missed.
Did you have a cutter for the rebar of did you cut it with a dull hack saw blade. Also, will your team pour concrete?
God bless you all as you serve others.
Thanks for your perseverance and hard work (the trip down was certainly a challenge!). Praying for a good ending to your work in Mexico and a safe (and uneventful) trip home! You are all a huge blessing to us here at COS...taking our mission of "Leading People Into A Relationship With Jesus Christ" way beyond our St. Charles area! Hang in there and see you soon!
In Christ's Peace,
Pastor Steve
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