Well here’s the group, can you feel the excitement!! (Well all except Cheryl- I will have to take lots of pictures of her to make up for her missing this shot.)
Hey day 1 and we are hitting the ground running. We volunteered to work on one home that needed a new roof and various indoor repairs. We started putting a new metal roof over the existing roof. We tore out the linoleum out of the kitchen. We prepared several walls for dry walling and discovered that the roof leak had caused some extensive damage in the house. We had to regroup and make sure we included that repair in our plans. Whew, we have a full weeks work in front of us.
More tomorrow!
Thanks Robin for the update. Looks like the group was able to jump right in and start making a difference. That's great! Keep the updates coming and we'll continue to support you all in prayer. Hope you made it to dinner in time! -Kate
Robin, with that many hungry teenagers around at dinner time, "if you snooze you loose" for sure! Looks and sounds like you guys had a great first day! Tell everyone thanks for the great work and enthusiasm! You are all living the reality of "finding and offering hope!" Praying for another safe and life changing day.
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