Today was a very touching experience on the mission to Mississippi.
We split up into a few teams and worked on 3 homes, 2 of which we had been to before. The teams did electrical work, cleaning, painting, installed a quite painfully difficult sink, painted more, cleaned more, and so on...
But, the work was by far the least impacting part of our experience today. We were fortunate enough to spend some really good quality time with the homeowners and their lives have been turned upside down.
Brandy and I were taken on a 2-hour tour by Karen Riad, a homeowner we worked with yesterday. She took us all throughout Pass Christian, Bay St. Louis, and Gulfport. It made such a difference to drive around with a local from the area and hear, firsthand, the story of Katrina. Karen was able to show us tent cities where those without FEMA trailers stayed, cemeteries that were turned upside down, foundations where civil war era homes used to sit, and countless amounts of christian relief signs in front yards of homes being rebuilt. Karen made it very clear that without faith-based organizations, Mississippi would not be anywhere close to where it is now, and there are still TONS of homes that need attention. It was so refreshing to spend a long time getting to know her. It makes the work we are doing so much more real, meaningful, and fulfilling. I may spend 8 hours painting baseboards, but its totally worth it when you know the story behind those baseboards.
Dinner this evening was just a special. Two families who Camp Hope helps joined us to eat. We had a time to share about our day and the families chose to share their stories with us. Ms De Deaux and her family shared how they spent weeks camping in their yard till they received a FEMA trailer. I can't even imagine. We take our blessings for granted.
Another couple shared about their experience and the husband, and older gentleman, nearly broke down in tears as he expressed his gratitude for what the Christian community has done for him, his wife, and his town.
All I could think about is how incredibly faithful God is to us. There is nothing more affirming than knowing that we have a savior, a father, who will wrap us up in His arms and surround us with hope. I'll go to bed tonight knowing a lot more about who God is simply by getting to look these homeowners in the eyes and seeing the gratitude they possess because God is merciful. We are so blessed. So incredibly blessed.
Goodnight and keep all of those here on the gulf in your prayers today.
I really look forward to these updates each day. God is using you and blessing you at the same time. Keep it up!
Hi Mission bunch! It's so great to keep up with you on your travels. I feel like I'm kinda there with you all. Sounds like you're making a difference with your hands and your hearts!
Funny thing, I was sharing with a friend that our church had folks going on two separate mission trips, one in Mississippi and one in Russia. She said, "That's very interesting, what kind of fishing will they be doing." I corrected her, "MISSION trip, not fishin' trip." (I guess the accent got in the way again). But as we laughed, I said, "There's a sermon in this comment". You all ARE on a fishing trip. With your hearts and your hands, you are catching the hearts of others. You are giving them a taste of the Kingdom. When you reach out to those in need you touch the hand of God. away dear friends!!! Be safe and know you're held in prayer. Pastor Robyn
This updated report is wonderful! Thank you for all you are doing....keep up the good work. My thoughts and prayers are with you as you represent God's Hands....may you have a safe journey home.
Hi! Sounds like and looks like you are making a huge difference! In our book that we are studying in small groups and worship, God Is Closer Than You Think, it describes a spiritual pathway called, "Activist". It's the "Somebody's got to DO something about this! I'm in, who's with me!" This zeal for action is written all over the passion of the early church, and it is written all over these pages from your Mission in Mississippi.
We praise how God is working through you, and the folks you meet. Blessings and More Fish!
Hats off to all of you in Mississippi. It has been great to read your progress and see how you are making a difference down there. I am so proud to say I go to church with you! You are truly the hands and feet of Christ to an area who needs to feel his presence! Our prayers are with you and all the families you are helping. May God bless you and keep you safe on your return!
Rhonda Demarest
God is good and working in, around and through you. Thank you so much for acting when He called you.
Thank you for touching our lives back home with this blog.
Continued safe and blessed missions!
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