Monday, August 1, 2011

Working in Sedalia

Monday morning came early and bright and hot, so very, very hot.

But when we got our job assignment, we were set to help at Taylor Chapel. An air conditioned church!!

Our first task- Paint the sanctuary! This is a huge job, but we tackled with lots of energy.

And we even looked good while doing it.

Some of the work was outside though. See those girls sitting down, they are not just relaxing in the sun, they are holding the forms for the concrete repair. A hot, hot job, but they did it with a smile on their face.

Some of the sancuary needed some deep cleanining. Did I mention that the church is over 100 years old?

After showers and dinner, we had a spirited game of Name it, Dance It, Sing it. Let me tell you the newly created song, "I like Big Bibles" has got to be heard to be believed.

The congregation is making us lunch tommorrow.

Speaking of tommorow, it is supposed to be hotter still but I am not sure how that can be possible.

Sorry, that is all the time I have to upload pictures. I am typing this after lights out - shhhhh.


Kelly said...

Love seeing the pics and your comments Robin. I really am missing being with the surprise!
Keep cool....if you can. Will check in again tomorrow night.

Kelly said...

Enjoyed seeing the pics and reading your comments Robin. I find myself really missing the surprise there!
Will check in tomorrow night to see more of the adventures. Stay cool :)

Anonymous said...

Looks like you are all having a great time.