Saturday, October 11, 2008

Made it to Dallas

We assembled at Church of the Shepherd, McClay Campus, at 8:00 AM this morning. Several COS folks came by t pray us out. That was a great surprise even brought brownies. It took a while to pack up the van, get things sorted out, etc. We finally go on our way at 8:30 AM.We stopped in Rolla, MO for fuel. We arrived in Joplin at 1:00 AM and ate lunch. At 5:20 PM we arrived in Atola, OK and fueled up again. We arrived at the LaQuinta Inn (I-35 and I-635) on the north side of Dallas at 7:30 PM. Right on our time estimate of 11 hours. We then went to Michael's Rest. in the parking lot of the LaQuinta for dinner. Pizza was in order for everyone, except for one. Pop quiz.....Who ordered the patty melt? We all packed it in at 10:00 PM and watched the end of the Mizzou / Oklahoma State game. How sad was that? OSU really had the tough defense. Morning comes early. We are all meeting in the lobby of the LaQuinta for the "free" breakfast at 7:00AM. Our plan is to depart by 7:30 AM. God has richly blessed us today. Our team is growing together and we are all anticipating the work will do in the Pharr, TX community.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What you are doing is so wonderful. God's blessings on your mission!