Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Day 3 - Over Half Way!!

We started off the morning with some home made Biscuits and Gravy followed by some dancing with the stars.

Then we headed to the work site.

Have I mentioned that it is hot?

Before the work begins, there is a mandatory Adult meeting. Look at all that energy.

Go get 'em!

First on the schedule-- Guess what? More Painting!

But today we got serious about the painting!

The residents made us lunch --- Chili and Hotdogs!

Taking just one of our breaks.

The Youth Groups presented the residents with gifts.

Then later that afternoon the youth group from First UMC surprised us with Popsicles and ice cold water.


Anonymous said...

You have all worked so hard Going, Learning, Loving and Telling. We are all so proud of you and your accomplishments. I can't wait to hear your stories.
Karl <><

Kelly said...

SOOOO proud of all of you! I love seeing your pictures. Keep the smiles going. Looks like you are all having a great time.
(Okay, you Dinner Theater kids, see why I wanted to have you go on a Mission Trip????)

Pastor Steve said...

Wow...the work you have been able to accomplish this week is amazing! Enjoy your last evening on mission. Looking forward to hearing how God has changed your lives as you have helped change the lives of others. Thank you so much for being COS in Sikeston this week!

Pastor Steve