Friday, June 18, 2010

Day 4 - The Sequel

Day 4 was really the last day of the trip and we did so much that the day deserves two postings.

Just a few more pictures of the Middle Schoolers hard at work.

And here is one of the the made-over rooms. This is the Library.

We finished early so the Middle Schoolers still had lots of energy. We used the free time to explore a near by park.

Later that evening, we finally headed to the pool. The fun there was certainly worth the wait.

The pool had two diving boards, so we attempted some synchronized diving.

Everyone showed off their moves on the board.

Here is one of our adult leader describing his spectacular dive.

The CCYMers showed us some new "fancy" dives.

It was an evening of perfect weather, good friends and good fun.

We finished the evening (yes there was still more) with chapel time. It was a very special time with Sharing, an awesome CCYM sermon and communion and prayer. We all had time to reflect on everything we had experienced and learned over the week.


Pastor Steve said...

Welcome home! Thanks for a wonderful week of mission COS style in Sikeston, going, learning, loving, and telling! You all are a vital part of our mission of "Leading People Into A Relationship With Jesus Christ."

Cheryl B said...

What a great week!
Big thanks go out to all involved:
FUMC St. Charles
Kimberling City UMC
FUMC Sikeston
Our wonderful cooks
Mission Missouri staff and residents
All Shepherd youth and adults that attended as well as those that lifted us in prayer throughout the week.
I can't wait to do it again next year!